Why You Would Need a Child Custody Lawyer in Jacksonville

by | Jan 13, 2023 | Law Services

Going through a separation or divorce is not an easy task, especially when there are children involved. If you are trying to make your separation as stress free as possible, but have concerns over the welfare of your child, then you may want to hire a Child Custody Lawyer in Jacksonvilles to help you through your legal proceedings. They can guide you through the process and ensure that your rights as a parent are not overlooked. Don’t put the custody of your child in jeopardy. They can help present a case on your behalf so you can fight for the right to be with your children. Here are three situations where a child custody attorney can help you get the outcome you deserve.

Unborn Child

If your child is not born while you are in your relationship, then it can be easy for the mother or father to disappear and take the child away from you. You can ensure this doesn’t happen by letting an attorney file the proper papers to request a DNA test after birth and ensure they are not legally allowed to flee the area. Don’t let your child live a life without knowing you.

Unfit Living Situations

If the mother or father of your child provides a living situation that is unfit and unsafe, then consider talking to an attorney about the options that are available to you. If you feel that your child could be put in harms way if not removed, then you owe it to them to ensure that they have a safe environment that is free from danger.

Child Support

If you are concerned about child support and whether or not you will be eligible for it, then a Child Custody Lawyer in Jacksonvilles can review your case and provide you with guidance. Don’t think you have to pay for all of your child’s care alone, when you can use the legal system to help you get the money you need to make ends meet. Don’t let the worry of your child’s well being cause you stress any longer. Get the help you need to ensure your child has the items they need to live a happy and healthy life. Contact an attorney today so you can give yourself peace of mind and your child the life they deserve.

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