At some point in all of our lives we will have to deal with a loved one’s death. When this happens there is a strong possibility that you will also have to file a last and testament with the probate court. This is when you will require the services of a probate attorney in Harrisburg. There are times when this area of law can be very straightforward, other times it can seem very convoluted. A probate attorney is there to help you sort it all out.
However, there are other legal matters that a probate attorney can help you with as well. They do more than just file the paperwork after a passing. A probate attorney in Harrisburg will also be able to help you with trust planning, powers of attorney, and medical powers of attorney. They will help you to create a last will and testament so that your family member can feel more secure in the event of your death. They will also be able to establish living wills so that your wishes will be known should you not be able to speak for yourself.
Once there has been a passing in your family, your probate attorney will there to help with all of the issues that may arise. Your probate attorney in Harrisburg will also be able to help with income tax issues and requesting the court’s permission for such actions as retitling the deceased’s assets to the beneficiaries.
Often people will question whether or not they really need a probate attorney. There is certainly nothing that says you must and the decision is ultimately yours to make. However, this is not advisable as failure to execute the property legally could end with a personal liability lawsuit. It is also not uncommon for a will to be challenged. This is when it may be especially important to have a probate attorney in Harrisburg by your side to advise you in your decision making.
The best situation would be to make sure everything properly in place before your passing. One mistake could set back the execution of your will by months, which will just add to your family’s stress. Working with an attorney familiar with this area of law help to assure the probate on your estate will happen in a timely manner.
Probate attorney Harrisburg – Are you looking for a probate attorney in Harrisburg? Serratelli, Schiffman & Brown P.C. provides extensive experience in the matter of estate planning and trust to solve your legal issues.
Probate attorney Harrisburg |
Probate attorney Harrisburg |