When Is Tree Removal in Atlanta, GA, Necessary?

by | Apr 4, 2024 | Tree Service

You have good reason to worry about your backyard tree’s sick condition. Its skinny, hollow trunk or fungus growth must be fixed immediately. This tree is getting weaker, so a terrible storm or windy afternoon could bring it down. While some issues might be fixable with professionals, here are some things to watch for that indicate tree removal in Atlanta, GA, is necessary.

Hollow Tree

The tree trunk hole could be fun for a family picture, but it means the tree is weakened or decaying inside. Tree limbs that fall off can also reveal empty spaces in which owls and squirrels love to live. If you see soft animal heads sticking out of your tree, it might be hollow.

It’s not always easy to tell if a tree is hollow. You can use a rubber mallet to tap on different parts of the tree to see if it is empty. You can check the tree this way, but it’s always a good idea to have a professional do it, too, since they’re trained to hear even the most minor changes in sound.

New or Significant Lean

There will be a slight lean in your tree because one side is heavier than the other. You might start to worry about your tree’s health if it has a big lean that changes how it looks or if it suddenly has a lean it never had before.

If your tree has a new lean or looks like it’s about to fall over, you should have an arborist look at it. The tree that is bending might be dying or damaged by a storm, which means tree removal in Atlanta, GA, is needed.

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