What you should know about vaginal rejuvenation

by | Dec 30, 2020 | General

Holding your little one in your arms is the most amazing feeling any woman can have, but it comes at a price. One such thing is a lack of tightness in the vagina, absence of lubrication, and even urinary incontinence.

These are some of the reasons why vaginal rejuvenation Charlotte NC has become so popular today. According to studies, at least 40% of women have sexual dysfunctions from psychological distress, leading many to opt for vaginal rejuvenation Charlotte NC.

So, when should you undergo the procedure?

• If you feel sore and pain during a workout or sexual activities

• If your vagina isn’t as tight as it used to be

• If you want to improve the looks of your vagina

• If you have lost sexual sensation after childbirth

Types of procedures

Typically, you can either opt for a surgical procedure or a non-surgical one. Should you go with surgery, you can either get a:

Vaginoplasty – tightens the vagina after childbirth and cures the lax and looseness that comes with age. The procedure will benefit your self-esteem and confidence.

Labiaplasty – means you will have your labia reshaped to correct the asymmetry. This is one of the most common procedures to undertake.

Vulvaplasty – this procedure reshapes the vulva, so it looks exactly how you wish

Non-surgical procedures include:

Radiofrequency – RF uses electromagnetic waves. Think of them as the same waves you have when using your microwave at home. They tighten the vagina’s looseness and sagginess that comes with age.

CO2 laser – the doctor inserts a wand, heating the vagina tissue and forcing the lower layers to produce more collagen and the skin firm and tight. The laser can rotate 360 degrees.

With thousands of procedures in the market to help women maintain their youthfulness, this procedure promises women the tightness, lubrication, and vagina beauty they when they were young. Because there is not a single procedure to follow, be sure to do enough research before you settle on a procedure.

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