What You Need to Know About Tile Maintenance?

by | Dec 6, 2023 | Tiles / Tools

Tiles are a popular choice nowadays because of their durability and aesthetic value. They come in a variety of designs, colors, and styles, which gives homeowners many options to choose from. However, just like any other surface, tiles need proper maintenance to remain in good condition and last for a long time. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at what you need to know about quality tile maintenance to keep your tiles looking their best.

Regular cleaning is essential to avoid the buildup of dirt and debris that could damage tiles over time. Depending on the type of tile you have, use a mild detergent, water, and a soft brush to clean the surface. Avoid harsh chemicals, abrasive pads, and vinegar-based cleaning solutions as they can damage and dull the surface. Also, make sure to clean stains immediately to prevent them from seeping into grout lines and causing discoloration.

Grout Maintenance
Grout is the material used to fill the gap between tiles. It is porous and can easily attract dirt, mold, and mildew. To avoid discoloration and damage, it’s essential to maintain grout lines. You can purchase specialized tile tools online, or use a toothbrush to clean grout lines. Then apply a sealant to prevent moisture and debris buildup.

Sealing is an essential part of tile maintenance. It helps to protect tiles from water, stains, and chemical damage. Regular sealing is required for high-traffic areas to maintain the longevity of tiles. Depending on the type of tile, sealing can be done every few months or years.

Avoid Scratch Damage
Scratches can cause visible damage to tiles. To prevent this, avoid dragging heavy furniture or objects on the tile surface. Use soft pads on the bottom of furniture to prevent scratches on tiles.

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