What to Look for in a Rockford, Illinois, Criminal Defense Attorney

by | Dec 22, 2022 | Lawyers and Law Firms

When you are searching for the right criminal defense attorney in Rockford, IL, you can’t afford to make a mistake. After all, the defense attorney you hire could be the difference between jail or freedom for you or a loved one. Fortunately, there are some criteria to consider when making a decision.

Criteria to Consider

To start with, you absolutely want a legal defense team that is local. An attorney who has been practicing at local courthouses will know all the major players involved, and they will be able to steer you in the right direction. In law, as in much else, it’s all about knowing the right people, and you can’t accomplish that if you don’t work in town.

Next, make sure that the firm you hire has been around for a while. Not only do they need to be local, but they also need to have spent enough time practicing in your area to have built up a wealth of connections and social capital that they can use on your behalf.

Furthermore, an experienced team is less likely to make mistakes because they have already made and learned from them. You don’t want a rookie attorney learning on the job at your expense! Finally, it is best to work with a team that handles many types of cases.

Take the time to do some research before hiring a criminal defense attorney in Rockford, IL. For a legal team that will fight for you with tenacity, check out the website of Crosby Law Firm.

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