What to Expect After Deciding to Undergo Hair Restoration in NYC

by | Nov 24, 2022 | Hair Restoration

Hair restoration in NYC can be a life-changing experience. It can help you feel more confident and attractive, and it can also help you regain your self-esteem. However, hair restoration is major surgery, and there are certain things you should expect after undergoing the procedure.

For one, you will need to take it easy for a few days after the surgery. You will likely feel some pain and discomfort, and you will also be very tired. It is important to rest as much as possible during this time so that your body can heal properly.

Your surgeon will likely prescribe pain medication to help you deal with any discomfort. This may make you drowsy, so it is important not to drive or operate heavy machinery while taking it.

You will also need to take care of your incisions. Be sure to keep them clean and dry, and avoid any strenuous activity that could cause them to open up. You should also expect some scarring.

Additionally, it is important to remember that hair restoration is not an instant fix. It can take several months for your new hair to grow in, and it may take even longer for the full results to be visible.

Patience is key when undergoing hair restoration. However, the results are often well worth the wait. Just be sure to go into it with your eyes open and realistic expectations. If you are considering hair restoration in NYC, contact Feller & Bloxham Medical today at www.fellermedical.com for more information.

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