What to Do After New Water Heater Installation in Fort Myers, FL

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Plumber

A new water heater is a great way to use energy more efficiently at your home. If you have a water heater installation in Fort Myers, FL scheduled, here are some things you should do to ensure your new water heater continues to work well for many years.

Make Sure Your Water Heater Remains Accessible

When the installation process is complete, you need to guarantee that the water heater is accessible for tune-up and repairs. To guarantee easy access, you’ll need a platform of at least 30 square inches in front of the unit. If it’s in the attic, you’ll want to reach it via a solid floor with a width of 24 inches or more.

Beware of Gas Enclosures

If your water heater is located within a dedicated enclosure, make sure there’s adequate weather stripping and a self-closing door with an exterior source providing combustion air. Most gas water heaters, however, will not be self-enclosed, in which case you’ll need enough safety clearance. All flammables must be kept clear, and the heater must be a minimum of 6 inches from a single wall metal vent and no less than one inch from any type B double wall.

Hire Licensed Plumbers for Repairs & Maintenance

If your new water heater needs repair, always hire licensed plumbers for the repairs. During water heater installation in Fort Myers, FL, ask the plumber for maintenance suggestions to ensure you get the most from your new appliance. To schedule a water heater installation, repair, or other service, contact the team at Cypress Plumbing.

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