Almost every single thing that is sold in every single store in the whole globe is something that was first bought at a wholesale price, then marked up, and then sold to the customer at retail pricing. This includes firearms purchased from wholesalers of guns and then marketed by your neighborhood gun store. You can benefit from price reductions on wholesale guns for sale if you have your own home-based FFL.
Getting that Rare Find
If you don’t have an FFL, your only options are to go to a gun shop, try to get a gun before they run out, and pay their markup and other costs. Or you can do what thousands of Americans already do: use their own FFL to order the gun wholesale from WGS Guns and have it shipped directly to them, skipping markups and, in some states, background check wait times.
Run a Side Business
In addition to adding wholesale guns for sale to your collection, becoming an FFL wholesaler also allows you to make some extra cash by managing purchases and transfers for third parties that you may now avoid. There has never been a better time to run a home-based FFL as it is allowed in all 50 states.
Improve Your Collection
A home-based FFL enables you to lawfully circumvent onerous municipal gun laws while developing your private collection. FFLs have particular rights when it comes to acquiring guns for their collections. In certain situations, they even have access to weapons that would otherwise be illegal to possess in their jurisdiction. Because you are the dealer, you may skip cumbersome paperwork and waiting periods.