Understand The Application, Types Of API 6D Valve

by | Apr 27, 2023 | Business

The American Petroleum Institute’s API 6D specification for pipelines and pipeline valves is used in the natural gas and petroleum sectors. The pressure ratings up to ASME class 2500 usually specify criteria for ball, gate, and plugs. You can check valve designs, fabrication, assembly, documentation, and testing.

There are quite a few API 6D Valve manufacturers in the market. However, it is imperative to know about the types, features, and applications before choosing one of them.

Types of API 6D Valve:

The following types of valves are subject to the configurations outlined in the standard:

Gate valves

Plug valves that are lubricated and unlubricated

The ball valve

The check valve

Fully open valves

Reduced opening valves

The valve ends may be flanged or welded. In order to prevent fluid from becoming trapped in the body cavity, pressure relief valves for both gas and liquid service are required. Electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic actuators are all possible.

Final Thoughts:

As you have learned about API 6D Valve. Now you are thinking about which API 6D Valve manufacturers to rely on. GPI is a leading solution provider for the oil and gas industry, providing industrial valves, turnkey components, API 6A, 6D gates, double block and bleed plug valves, swing check valves, shut off pig valves, and configuration. Thus without any doubt you can rely on GPI being one of the leading solution providers as previously mentioned.

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