Titanium Screws Used in Elk Grove Village Dental Implants

by | Oct 4, 2019 | Dental Health

Titanium screws have been used in dental implants since the 1940s and in medical surgeries since the 1950s. Other metals have been tried, but none have performed as well as titanium. Studies show that dental implants in Elk Grove Village, IL, can last a lifetime, while dentures typically last just 10 years, and bridges will generally last 15 years.

Titanium Screws

What are the titanium screws used in dental implants? Titanium is biocompatible, meaning it merges well within the body. Once there, it grows into the bone much like a natural material would, such as the root of a tooth. Titanium screws do not become corroded by bodily fluids, and they are not rejected by the body.

How Do They Work?

Imagine digging a hole into the soil to plant a seed. The hole is then covered by soil so that the seed can grow into a plant. Titanium screws work similarly. A hole will be dug into your jawbone, and the screw will be implanted. The bone will then be covered. It may take between three and six months for the screw to grow into the jawbone.

When the screw grows into the jawbone, you’ll have to return to your dentist. He or she will check that the screw is properly fused into the bone. If so, this means that the implant is stable and can hold a tooth. Your dentist will then add a cap to the screw to hold the new crown.

Is It Safe?

Titanium has been used in dentistry and medicine for over 50 years. Its chemical makeup is not degrading, and it won’t disintegrate in your body or cause medical illnesses. The titanium screws used in implants are considered safe. Your new dental implants from an Elk Grove Village dental professional will last a long time and help to enhance your quality of life. Contact Dr. Brian Homann, DDS, at www.ElkGroveVillageIlDentist.com to learn more about dental implants.

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