Tips That Make Office Moving in Overland Park, KS Easier

by | Aug 4, 2016 | Moving

The need to move the business operation to a larger office is an exciting time. After all, that means the business is doing well enough to need more employees and additional working space. While finding the right professional to take care of the office moving in Overland Park KS is a major part of the effort, there are some other things that can be done prior to moving day. Here are some tips to make the transition easier for everyone.

Choosing a Date and Time for the Move

It’s best to plan the move for a date when the office is normally closed or at least slower than the rest of the week. Many business owners find making the move over a weekend is a good idea. In fact, it’s possible to begin the task on a Friday evening after the employees have gone home. This approach makes it easier to set up workstations and take care of other essentials before everyone comes back to work Monday morning. This approach ensures everyone is ready to take care of customers as usual.

Handling Proprietary Documents

Always box and seal proprietary documents in the days leading up to the move. Do not leave them in file cabinets. It will be easier to move the cabinets if they are not loaded, and the boxes can be stored in a secure location while the move is in progress.

Moving Personal Belongings

Employees are allowed to have personal effects in their cubicles, like framed photographs, plants, and other items. Instead of expecting the professionals handling the office moving in Overland Park KS to deal with those items, it makes sense to have each employee box up those belongings and take them home just prior to the move. They can always bring them to the new place once it’s up and running.

If the move to new office space is pending, now is the time to start making plans. Contact Starving Artists Moving today and have a professional visit the office. It won’t take long to come up with the specifics of the move, determine the amount of time needed, and learn how much the move will cost. Once the details are settled, it will be easier to concentrate on preparing the office and the employees for the transition.

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