Three Major Benefits of Mycorrhizal Fungi For Cultivators in Israel

by | Dec 27, 2023 | Biotechnology Company

Low yield is the bane of every Israeli cultivator’s existence. There are few things worse than putting your blood, sweat, and tears into your plants, and when it’s time to reap, the yield is lacking. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Mycorrhizal Fungi can make low yield, and a ton of other cultivator issues, a thing of the past.

What Are Mycorrhizal Fungi?

This type of fungi are beneficial soil organisms that create a symbiotic relationship with the roots of your plants. By doing so, they help your plants absorb water and nutrients, including phosphorous, from the soil. In return, the fungi get organic carbon from the plants.

This fungus can improve the quality, growth, and yield of your crops. They can also increase their resistance to pests, diseases, and drought. That’s not all – they enhance the biodiversity, fertility, and structure of your soil. They also reduce your dependence on chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

Some other benefits of these little miracle organisms include:

They increase the surface area of your root system exponentially. This gives your plants the ability to access more nutrients and water from the soil.

They produce organic enzymes and acids that dissolve the organic matter and minerals in the soil. This makes it easier for the plants to absorb them into the root system.

They protect your plants from nematodes and soil pathogens. They do so by producing toxins that harm them. The fungi also help activate the plant’s defense mechanisms.

Our experts at DYNOMYCO are confident this fungus can significantly improve your crop yield and quality. Contact us today to learn more about the importance and benefits of Mycorrhizal Fungi for cultivators.

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