The Process of Invisalign in Chicago, IL

by | Jul 19, 2013 | Dental Health

When you have crooked teeth, the only option you had in the past was unsightly metal braces that could cause a lot of pain and discomfort for patients. Today, though, patients are able to choose Invisalign in Chicago, IL, allowing you to experience the straight teeth you have always wanted without having to go through the ordeal of metal braces. When you realize the benefits of Invisalign, you will be able to make the right choice.

3-D Technology

If you decide you would like to consider Invisalign to straighten your smile, you need to find a cosmetic dentist who offers the procedure. During your first appointment, he will talk to you about the procedure and what you will go through to achieve the straighter teeth you are looking for. With the help of 3-D technology, they will create the invisible trays you need to straighten your teeth quickly and painlessly.

The Fitting

After your dentist orders the trays for Invisalign in Chicago, IL, you must wait for them to come in. Once the first set of trays comes in, you will visit your dentist’s office to have them fitted. In most cases, they will be the perfect fit due to the technology that is used to create them. However, there are some instances where the trays don’t fit properly. In these situations, they must be redone to ensure the proper fit, which is necessary to the effectiveness of the procedure.

Changing Trays

The invisible trays used in the Invisalign procedure must be changed out every couple of weeks. This is to promote the natural movement of your teeth the right position. It is important to stay on top of the changes to experience the most effective process possible. If you push off changing the trays, the procedure will take much longer to complete. The goal is to complete the process as quickly as possible.

Invisalign in Chicago IL, is the best choice to give you the straighter teeth you desire without the need to go through the trauma of the typical metal braces. With the help of 3-D technology, you will receive the invisible trays you need to gently and slowly move your teeth into the proper positioning. As long as you stay on top of changing the trays when your dentist recommends, you will experience the beautiful, straight teeth you have always imagined in the matter of a few months instead of several years.

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