The Best Dental Implants in Reston

by | Mar 29, 2022 | Cosmetic Dentist

Do you need dental implants in Reston? Are you not sure if dental implants are the best decision? If you have lost teeth you may be feeling self-conscious. Instead of walking into a job interview with confidence, you may constantly worry about hiding your smile from your potential employer. It will be difficult to answer interview questions when you are preoccupied with hiding your smile.

A Permanent Solution

Dentists such as those at Cascades Center for Dental Health offer dental implants. Dental implants in Reston are no different from dental implants in any other area of the country. First, the dentist will assess your current oral health. If you have teeth that are decaying or broken, a dentist may suggest you have them pulled. Once your gums are healed, they will schedule you for a dental implant appointment. It is an invasive, permanent procedure. You will not have to worry about dentures sliding out because the dental implants will be attached to a screw-like post drilled into your bones.

Natural-Looking Teeth

The best dental implants in Reston will have a natural appearance. Dentures can look gaudy or fake. Dental implants are carefully designed to match the rest of your teeth. Dentures can also be very uncomfortable. If you want natural-looking and permanent teeth, you should consider dental implants. Partial dental implants also do not require you to alter your other teeth. If you decide to get dentures, you will have to have all of your teeth pulled before you can be fitted.

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