The Benefits of Using a Mammalian Cell Culture

by | Sep 21, 2023 | Business

Cell culture is an essential tool for the development of various medical products and therapies. The cells are used in research, drug discovery, and production of vaccines and biopharmaceuticals. Using mammalian cell culture as a technique to produce biologics is an essential aspect of the pharmaceutical industry. This blog post highlights why cell culture with mammalian cells is the best option for your research and the benefits of using them.

Mammalian Cells Are More Like Human Cells

Mammalian cell culture is preferred over other cells due to their similarity to human cells. Research studies that involve the development of therapeutic products for the human body require human-like cells to accurately reflect our body’s response. Cell culture with mammalian cells offers this advantage as they are genetically similar to human cells. Therefore, any observations made regarding the response to certain substances are more likely to correspond to human cells’ responses.


Cell culture with mammalian cells is a cost-effective method in the production of biologics. It requires a lower initial investment as compared to animal-based production. Using mammalian cells for research creates an environment where biotechnologies that use our cells can be developed, tested, and produced at a reasonable cost. This makes pharmaceutical products accessible to more people by banishing the cost barriers.

High Reproducibility

Mammalian cell culture has high levels of reproducibility in scientific research. The cells in the culture can be manipulated to mimic specific diseases under controlled conditions to test therapeutic products or medical devices without causing bodily harm. Thus, researchers can obtain more precise data, and physicians might create new treatments based on the results. The ability to consistently replicate the study results ensures that any new discoveries can be relied on as valid observations that could produce significant advances in healthcare.

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