Talk To A DUI Attorney In Ohio

by | Jun 28, 2013 | Law Services

Recent years have seen a large advertising effort being undertaken by every state with the goal of educating the driving public about the dangers of impaired driving. Many holiday weekends are the times that the state patrol will set up “drunk driving checkpoints” along major freeways and nearly every motorist will be subject to being stopped and screened for signs of being impaired while behind the wheel.

This increased public safety awareness campaign has been due to the large number of serious traffic accidents that have been directly related to impaired drivers traveling the roads at high speeds.

The laws are becoming more strict, blood alcohol thresholds are being lowered so that even a lesser amount of alcohol in the bloodstream can be considered impaired, and the penalties for impaired drivers are becoming more stringent as well.

All of these factors add up to an extremely serious situation for anyone who is charged with driving under the influence. For all of these reasons and more, it is wise to consult with an attorney if you or a loved one is facing a charge of DUI.

DUI Attorney Ohio clients are able to let their legal representative speak up on their behalf at each of their court appearances. From the first appearance to the settlement conferences and up to the sentencing, the lawyer who represents a client who has been charged with DUI will be the advocate for their client, working toward the goal of getting them the most satisfactory disposition of their impaired driving charges.

First time offenders are treated harshly when there have been aggravating factors such as an accident, or if they were carrying minor-aged passengers. Having an attorney in those situations is even more critical because of the serious nature of even a first time offense.

For defendants who have prior DUI cases on their criminal record, the retention of qualified legal counsel is even more imperative. Repeat offenders in the area of impaired driving are often facing an escalating set of consequences, with felony charges and even prison time possible in some extreme cases. Being represented by an experienced attorney can help the defendant in a DUI case to know that every effort is being made to settle their case in the way that is in their best interests.


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