Several Reasons To Control SHREDDING COSTS

by | Sep 4, 2015 | Business

Shredding confidential material is a constant responsibility. The ongoing expense is one of the several Reasons to control SHREDDING COSTS for any business. Another reason is to encourage employees to remain diligent about proper shredding protocols. If employees believe that shredding costs are preventing raises, interfering with the purchase of more important equipment, or adding to the amount they have to contribute for insurance coverage, they will be less likely to shred all the documents they should. It seems petty and far-fetched, but it is a very real response to job insecurity, fear, and worry regarding the future.

Other Reasons to control SHREDDING COSTS involve the perceptions of shareholders, board members, and supporters. Fiscal responsibility is a major factor in how businesses and their owners, are viewed by outside interests. Proving to shareholders at the annual meeting that the business has found cost-effective ways to comply with regulations is important. Non-profit management, for example, has to account for every line expenditure in the budget. If a lot of money is spent on something minor, such as shredding documents, the Board will pick that budget apart with a fine toothed comb. Managers will find themselves wasting time comparing the cost of shredders to the cost of outsourcing the service for next month’s meeting. It is not worth the hassle, so keeping costs down can avoid that ridiculous fiasco.

Ways to keep shredding costs down start with knowing just how much material needs shredding on a weekly or monthly basis. Find a company that will customize service to meet the business needs. If there is not much need for shredding, do not pay for services weekly. Monthly or bi-monthly pick up may be all the business needs. Have the company provide larger bins for materials if there is space, so pick up can be less frequent, and cost less. There are plenty of companies that offer the service, so take the time to compare pricing, services, and capacity. Visit to see if the business needs can be meet more cost-effectively than they have been in the past. Services may also be more cost-effective than purchasing equipment and shredding materials in-house.

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