Selling Pretzels Online

by | Jul 4, 2013 | Hotels and Resorts

Snack foods are a billion-dollar industry, and each year pretzel sales account for a significant portion of that money. The average American eats 1.5 pounds of pretzels per year, and the treats are commonly consumed in sporting arenas, airplanes, bars and other places. Pretzels are popular because they have little to no fat, and they offer other benefits:

* They’re a better option for people trying to reduce fat intake.

* Pretzels are high in dietary fiber

* They are available with or without added salt

Finding a Pretzel Maker

There are many companies producing countless varieties of this popular snack food. Pretzels are available in many shapes, and those looking to start a pretzel business should seek out these companies and try their offerings to find the one their customers are likely to prefer.

Ordering Gourmet and Specialty Pretzels Online

A twisted pretzel sprinkled with salt is the most commonly seen, but there are many other varieties to be had. Whatever type, flavor or shape of pretzel you want to sell, odds are that there’s a pretzel maker baking up just what you’re looking for. Some pretzel companies even fill them with other types of food such as peanut butter or cheese, or they cover them in chocolate or other coatings. The possibilities are nearly endless!

Buying Pretzels Online

If you’re starting a pretzel business, you can partner with a wholesaler to buy large quantities of these tasty treats at a reasonable price.

Starting Your Own Pretzel Franchise

If you love pretzels and want to share that love with the, there are numerous business opportunities available. Buying a pretzel franchise gives you all the benefits of having a business with a recognizable name, and most franchisors offer continuing support to their franchisees. You can sell hot pretzels at a mall kiosk, offer gourmet dipped pretzels as gifts, or sell them street-side.Pretzels are a delicious treat and they are very versatile. They can be enjoyed with cheese, mustard or chocolate, rolled in cinnamon sugar, or sprinkled with salt. No matter how your customers like their pretzels, selling Pretzels Online is a great way to give them what they

Visit us website to get most authentic and delicious pretzels online.

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