Seeking Justice: Why You Shouldn’t Tolerate Nursing Home Abuse in Illinois

by | Feb 21, 2023 | Law Services

When you trust a nursing home to care for your loved ones, the last thing you probably think would happen is abuse. And it won’t stop on its own. If you want elder abuse to stop, you need to help make it end. Here’s why you shouldn’t tolerate nursing home abuse and how Hoffman Estates Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers can help.

How Common Is Nursing Home Abuse in Illinois?

In 2020, 15,000 complaints were filed about neglect or abuse in nursing homes. So how common is nursing home abuse in Illinois? From 2015 to 2016, the largest number of abuse and neglect incidents occurred in Illinois. Besides this, two new laws that deal with nursing home abuse will go into effect in 2023. Although these laws can be helpful for dealing with elderly abuse, it’s still important to keep watch over your loved ones to ensure their safety.

Your Loved Ones Deserve Justice

When it comes to older adults, over 80% of abusive situations may go unreported. But this doesn’t mean you or anyone should just ignore or tolerate any type of mistreatment toward elderly people. This only makes it more vital than ever for you to find justice for those you care about.

Take Action for Justice

One way to gain peace of mind is to take action. Indeed, Hoffman Estates Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers have plenty of experience and knowledge to help you get the justice you and your loved ones deserve.

Visit the law office of Claim Your Justice .

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