While working in a healthcare setting, you’ll come across some type of needle whether it’s of a small size to quickly check someone’s blood sugar levels or a larger one that is used to draw blood. When you work with this type of equipment, you need to use safety precautions to protect yourself, the patient, and other patients who come through the exam room and office. Here are a few tips to remember for safely using needles.
Gather all the items that you’ll need for working with needles before you interact with a patient. This will prevent you from needing to leave an uncapped needle on a table or leaving a patient in the middle of a procedure. Supplies that are often needed for needlestick safety include alcohol wipes, bandages, and protective equipment for your hands and face.
Disposing of Needles
After using a needle of any size, you need to dispose of it in the proper container. Most exams or patient rooms have a sharps container specifically designed for needlestick safety. This container is usually red and has an opening that allows for easily putting sharps inside with minimal contact.
Not only do you need to wear protective gear for yourself, but you also need to wear it for your patients. Gloves and goggles are basic items that you can wear if you’re in a hurry to collect a sample or administer medication. A gown and a mask should be worn when possible to protect your clothes and to help prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria.
Contact Sharp Fluidics for more safety tips to remember when you’re working with needles.