Plumbing Sebastian FL for Lead-Free Piping

by | Jul 8, 2016 | Plumbing and Plumbers

History has revealed a pattern of lead poisoning from a myriad of everyday uses in products like paint, makeup, condiments and plumbing. Before the dangers of lead-exposure was understood, the inundation of its toxic effects lead to not only a decline in health but also to death for many. Once the knowledge of toxic poisoning became more widespread, manufacturing companies finally began to “get the lead out” of their production of goods. The price to pay for their ignorance of a by-gone era was great, but ultimately with the eventual enlightenment came a more sustainable means of manufacturing the modern world’s necessities of life. Plumbing supplies became one of those necessities with the present-day needs of a culture that utilizes water from within their homes.

The Romans knew that lead exposure and its ingestion could cause acute psychosis, madness and even untimely death, but they didn’t realize that exposure over time had even more serious ramifications. Drinking water from lead pipes created exposure to this toxin over years of a person’s lifetime. A pattern of decline in health finally revealed that the community’s drinking water laced with lead was the culprit.

The cultures that evolved later also continued the production of commodities laced with lead from the same lack of knowledge passed down from their predecessors. When the Public Health Act of 1848 was passed, the codes for plumbing finally required the abolishment of lead in the manufacturing of plumbing products. Southern Plumbing Inc. is your go-to for plumbing supplies with the latest, health-conscious products adhering to the codes of the community. To take care of your particular plumbing needs seek out Plumbing Sebastian FL.

Pipe technology has evolved slowly over time with the use of wooden, iron, copper and more commonly today, plastic to comply with the codes and the needs of a burgeoning society. The advancement of a society is often easier to comprehend in retrospect, many years later. It is hard to say how many lives have been saved from the technological improvements enlisted in the plumbing industry. The health of many has undoubtedly been spared as a result of awareness and the addition of lead-free plumbing technology. Get the latest quality products through Plumbing Sebastian FL. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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