The word “Natural” can be used in a variety of ways. For some a natural pet supply store will carry a variety of items that range from organic to holistic and back again. Others would find no issue in having natural commercial products included as well. For them, the operative word is natural. They do not look at the manufacturer as being of concern as long as the food and other items are classified as “natural.”
What Does “Natural” Mean?
Any pet supply store may carry “natural” products. You do need, however, to fully understand what the term means. A natural pet supply store that is devoted to its customers and their pets would say natural indicates that the food is lacking in many of the ingredients found in commercial pet foods by the larger suppliers including chemical items such as:
• Additives
• Artificial colors
• Artificial flavors
• Artificial ingredients
• Preservatives
• Synthetic chemicals
Natural also means there are no animal by-products in the food. As well, the only chemicals allowed are those that are vitamins and minerals. Often, even these are replaced with a natural source for the more important ones.
A Natural Pet Supply Store and Its Products
A natural pet supply superstore or boutique retailer will ensure all products fall into the category of natural. The food will be made from only natural ingredients without any unnecessary chemicals or other additives. The same applies to the treats and any other edible material. Other pet supplies will be also free from any gratuitous elements that could be construed as being non-essential, superfluous and even harmful. This includes such items as shampoos, conditioners, flea treatments, toys and any pet product that may be applied externally or played with.
Natural pet supplies may also be organic and fall into a wide range of specialty goods. Where food is concerned, the natural pet supply products may also be:
• Age specific: for puppies for adults and for senior dogs and cats
• Breed specific: some foods cater to specific breeds while others label their natural products for toy, small, large and very large breeds
• Gluten free: For those who feel gluten is a harmful product
• Corn-free: Corn is seen as one of the items dogs and cats are often allergic to
• Hypoallergenic: For those animals who have food sensitivities
• Weight conscious: some breeds of dogs and cats are susceptible to becoming fat. These foods help the owner to address the issue through diet – both food and treats
A natural pet supply store also carries food and treats that claim to help reduce the risk of certain health issues that affect the heart and bones, for example.
A conscientious natural pet supply store will always check the labels, never taking for granted the “natural” claim. If the company’s claims are in doubt or not valid, the store will not hesitate. It will pull the company’s products off the shelves. This is the mark of a natural pet supply store that is truly devoted to his and her customers and their pets and not just the bottom line.