Looking for a Wedding Caterer in Fort Collins? Do These Things First

by | Sep 24, 2021 | Catering

Wedding planning can be stressful, especially when you’re not used to planning large events. The food is often one of the most memorable aspects of a wedding, so it’s not something you should leave until the last minute. If you’re nervous about finding a company for wedding catering in Fort Collins CO, here are some things you should do first.

Finalize Your Budget

The food budget is likely going to be one of your larger wedding budgets. If good food is important to you, keep in mind that you may need to pay more than you’re prepared for. Once you’ve finalized your budget, you can research vendors that will work within it for the wedding of your dreams.

List Your Priorities

Everyone’s idea of a perfect wedding dinner is likely to be a little different, but the foods you choose can impact the price, especially if you want something seasonal. Maybe you want steak, but your partner prefers chicken or a pasta dish. You might want fancy d’oeuvres or be happy with a fruit and cheese table. Multiple options are great for guests, but they can also cost more.

Check References

Handling the food for an event like a wedding is a huge responsibility, so you’ll want to make sure the company you choose can do the job well. Reviews are nice, but it’s more helpful to have personal recommendations from friends and family or even references from people who have used the company before.

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