Learn More About Your Back Before Back Pain Treatment in Madison, WI

by | Jul 3, 2024 | Pain Management

More than 16 million Americans suffer from chronic back pain. If you suffer from back pain, a doctor can examine you to help you determine the cause of the back pain and create a treatment plan for your condition.

During your wellness journey, knowledge will guide you toward healing. Get started by learning more about your back before getting back pain treatment in Madison, WI.

Back to the Basics

Your back is made up of your spine and spinal cord. The spinal cord serves as a highway for nerves to connect the brain to the rest of the body. The spine protects the spinal cord, and it also provides your body with both structure and flexibility. Some people may be born with a crooked spine, or it can become crooked due to poor posture or an injury.

The spine is made up of bones known as vertebrae and is powered using the paraspinal muscles.

The spine is divided into three sections:

Cervical – upper spine made up of seven vertebrae

Thoracic – center spine made up of 12 vertebrae

Lumbar – lower spine made up of five or six vertebrae

The sacrum underneath the lumbar portion of the spine connects the spine to the pelvis.

Spine Protection

The spine is designed to protect the spinal cord, but what’s in place to protect the spine itself?

The spine has intervertebral discs at each vertebrae that serve as cushions along with facet joints at each vertebrae. As you get older, these discs and joints may wear down, leading to pain. Do you need back pain treatment in Madison, WI? Schedule an appointment with QC Kinetix (Madison – SW). View Testimonials.

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