Information About Teeth Whitening in Lubbock TX

by | Aug 8, 2013 | Dental Health

Are your teeth discolored, splotchy, or stained? If so, you can get the Teeth Whitening in Lubbock ,TX treatments you need to get them brighter, whiter, and more radiant. Once you do this, you will have more self-confidence to smile when you see others. A smile is one of the first facial features a person sees when he views another person. There are various in-office and home-based procedures that can lighten your teeth. Many of these products can be purchased for a low price at retail stores. Also, many dental offices provide patients with kits they can take home to bleach their teeth.

When you choose to get Teeth Whitening in Lubbock, TX at Dyal Family Dentistry, a reputable dentist will first perform an examination to see if you qualify for these treatments. There are certain individuals that are ineligible such as people with health problems or patients that don’t have a lot of enamel on their teeth. After this, a dentist will help you decide which course of treatment is best for you.

Teeth whitening is not permanent. It will take further treatments to keep teeth in a condition that Teeth Whitening in Lubbock, TX brings. Substances such as cola drinks, teas, red wines, and cigarettes can compromise the color of a person’s teeth. This will require Teeth Whitening in Lubbock, TX in order to beautify them.

Over-the-counter products contain a bleaching agent that is lower in strength than one from a dental office. Most of these treatments have about about a 10% to 22% carbamide peroxide content. These treatments are based on the natural color of a person’s teeth. You might have to buy a few products until you find one that is best for your teeth. Remember to take precautions such as checking with your dentist if you start having adverse reactions such as bleeding gums, aching teeth, or sores.

One you get Teeth Whitening in Lubbock, TX, you will be able to smile more. This is beneficial since many people react positively to a smile. Ask your dentist which type he prefers for you. You will be happy once you have this done.

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