How Treating Problematic Veins Can Improve Your Life in Schaumburg, IL

by | Sep 27, 2021 | Health

Problem veins are more than just a cosmetic concern. They can cause pain, discomfort, burning, swelling and even increase your risk of dangerous blood clots. Whether you have bulging, painful varicose veins or unsightly spider veins, here are three improvements you can experience after Vein treatment in Schaumburg.

Look and Feel Better
What are you missing out on because of your veins? Embarrassment over visible veins and the pain they cause can keep you from living your life. Getting your veins treated can help you look and feel better, so you can enjoy going out and spending more time with friends and family.

Be More Active
Swollen veins make even the lightest workouts uncomfortable, and intense exercise can cause problem veins to bleed or bruise. If your aching veins have turned you into a couch potato, treating them can get you back in the gym.

Wear Your Favorite Clothes
Are your favorite outfits collecting dust because of your veins? Revealing clothing like dresses and shorts can be embarrassing when you have problem veins, while tight-fitting leggings and skinny jeans can increase discomfort. If you’re ready to ditch the baggy sweaters, consider vein treatment in Schaumburg.

Are you ready to say goodbye to painful and unattractive veins? Dr. Ashpole at Ashpole Plastic Surgery brings his creative and artistic gifts to the operating room to deliver beautiful results. View a full list of services and schedule your virtual consultation at Ashpole Plastic Surgery today.

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