How to Become a Freelance Culinary Expert to Earn Extra Cash Between Shifts

by | Nov 22, 2022 | Recruiter

You have been working in a culinary establishment that does not provide you with enough work hours to sustain you, or perhaps you work with a toxic micromanager that makes a certain celebrity chef appear to be an angel. They have also been known to cut hours on a moment’s notice, leaving you to wonder if you should stay or quit.

Supplement Your Income

Quitting can expose you to risks of no income at all. Here is some advice. Maybe the best course of action to take next is to supplement your income by working for other establishments through pick-up shifts. As you may have heard, these types of shifts are gigs that allow you to take a person’s shift for reasons like no-shows or call-ins, providing a seamless way for you to earn extra cash.


Maybe you have been enjoying all the benefits of pick-up shifts or freelance work and have decided that these gigs will be your full-time job. However, it can be time-consuming and burdensome to visit each culinary establishment in person to let them know of your availability. It can also be difficult to manage appointments. So, how can you easily connect to restaurants and bars to offer your services?

A Platform That Offers All-in-One Solutions

Perhaps you are now searching for a platform that can help you resolve your freelancing woes. Visit to download the best pick-up shifts app in the market. They can connect you to the best culinary establishments through their mobile app with features that allow you to seamlessly manage your appointments with ease. So, what are you waiting for? Download and use the best pick-up shifts app in the market right away. Visit BenchConnect app today.

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