How DUI Attorneys in Palos Hills Can Help You

by | May 23, 2024 | Lawyers and Law Firms

A person that gets stopped for drunk driving in any state or Commonwealth has a lot of potential consequences to face, and some of those consequences may be far-reaching. Thus, when stopped on suspicion of drunk driving, the person had better become well-acquainted with the laws regarding drunk driving in that particular state or Commonwealth. There are DUI Attorneys in Palos Hills who will help those arrested for drunk driving understand what their best options are. Here are some things to understand about drunk driving laws in Palos Hills.

Understanding Drunk Driving Laws in Palos Hills

In Palos Hills, the blood alcohol content limit is pretty much the same as in other states, that is, .08 percent for those age 21 and over, .04 percent for commercial drivers, and .02 percent for all those under 21. The problem is that most people don’t understand how to tell when they have reached that limit and could thereby be considered a drunk driver if stopped. It could take three drinks, a couple of drinks or even one drink, depending on the size of the person, the sex and other factors.

More on Drunk Driving Laws in in Palos Hills

In most states, drivers are required to submit to a chemical test by a law enforcement officer who suspects them of drunk driving, lest they have their licenses automatically suspended. In Palos Hills, the drivers have an option to submit to the test or get one of their own, although there are circumstances where a driver can’t refuse. The driver would have to get more information concerning the particular law to really understand what his or her legal options are. Talking to a lawyer experienced in the matter is the best option.

An Attorney in Palos Hills Who Can Advise on Drunk Driving Laws

In addition to drunk driving charges, the attorneys also help clients with personal injury cases and criminal cases. If there are any individuals who need DUI Attorneys in Palos Hills, the attorneys are available.

Michael D. Ettinger & Associates will work zealously in getting you the best possible outcome based on the case against you.

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