Help The Animal Population Stay Under Control And Spay or Neuter A Pet In Oahu

by | Sep 16, 2015 | Animal Health

The results of an over population of cats and dogs is a lack of spaying or neutering of pets. Although puppies and kittens are cute and cuddly, they grow up and many end up in foster homes, pounds, rescues and euthanized. Choosing to Spay or Neuter in Oahu helps to keep the population under control so these poor furry animals are not dumped on the side of the road or euthanized because homes can’t be found. An animal’s health can also be affected by delivering litter after litter of puppies or kittens.

The choice to Spay or Neuter in Oahu should be decided based off the purpose of owning a pet. For example, if the dog is for breeding for pure breeds or show dogs, an owner probably wouldn’t want to have their pet spayed or neutered. If the animal is a family pet, the animal should be spayed or neutered. When an animal goes into heat, it can be a messy proposition to clean up a home. A pet should be spayed or neutered at about six months old. The health issues for a female animal will be greatly reduced by having her spayed.

A male animal should also be neutered around six months old. Dogs can become aggressive by the increase in hormones. A male animal will become more relaxed without the increase. Neutering a male animal eliminates the hormones from raging out of control and making the animal uncontrollable or aggressive. Tumors, hernias and prostrate problems can be reduced by neutering a male animal. Urinary spraying in male animals happens frequently. Neutering a male animal will help to eliminate this problem by him. Testicular cancer chances will be eliminated after neutering a male animal.

This procedure is an outpatient procedure and will be handled at the vet’s office from the beginning with lab tests to the end with a follow-up after the procedure. Lab work will be performed on the dog or cat to check for the proper function of the organs before surgery. The Honolulu Pet Clinic can safely spay or neuter a pet. Their caring and compassionate service will permit the dog or cat to feel as relaxed as possible. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.

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