Getting Fast Cash Up Front for the Sale of Your Residential Property

by | Jul 4, 2019 | Real Estate Consultant

Owning a home is not always a lucrative investment. In some cases, it can become a drain on your finances. You may spend more money than you can afford to fix up and maintain your property.

Rather than risk your finances on a home that may not give you a solid return on your investment, you may want to sell it as quickly as possible. You may have asked yourself, “How can I sell for cash to home buyers near me?” By liquidating it to one of these buyers, you could get the upfront money you need to buy or lease a new place to live quickly.

No Strings Attached

When you list your home for sale through a realtor, you nearly always end up paying for incidentals that can take away from the profit you make from the transaction. Your real estate agent may include in your contract clauses, requiring you to pay for costs like his or her commission, listing fees, and other services the realtor provides to you while the house is on the market.

You may not want to enter into a contract that has so many “strings attached” to the sale of your home. When you are researching “cash home buyers near me,” you can cut out the so-called middleman in the transaction and get money up front for the sale of the property. You will not pay the company that buys your home anything that takes away from your pay out.

Fair Value

Another reason to sell your home directly to a cash buyer involves getting a fair price for it. The price you get will be based on the home’s condition, age, and county appraisal value. It also will reflect home prices in the neighborhood.

When you are ready to sell your home for cash, learn more about this type of transaction today. Contact Better Choice Homes.

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