Get Your Pittsburgh, PA Air Conditioning Unit Serviced Before Summer

by | Feb 7, 2024 | Heating & Cooling

Regular servicing of all aspects of an HVAC unit will keep it running effectively for much longer. If the AC in a home is not fully charged and given adequate ventilation, it can come to serious harm and may fail completely. Before summer starts to swelter, protect your air conditioning in Pittsburgh, PA by maintaining that AC unit. Whether it needs to be cleaned, checked or charged, Sullivan Service can do it!

Tune Up Your AC

An AC tune up is similar to a vehicle tune up. Before that AC unit has to work hard all summer long, a professional service technician will:

  • Check the cooling coil
  • Confirm electric draw
  • Clean the AC unit
  • Make sure it’s draining properly

It only takes one plugged drain line to leave an AC unit literally swamped. If the unit can’t drain, it may not function effectively. If the exterior is dirty, air won’t pass through and help the unit run efficiently. A regular springtime service may be all that’s necessary to keep a household cool all summer long.

Protect the Household Budget

A poorly functioning air conditioner will cause high utility bills over the course of the summer. As citizens work to lower their expenses, quality HVAC service habits will quickly pay for themselves. Protect the household air conditioning in Pittsburgh, PA with an AC unit tune up each spring. This investment in the longevity of the HVAC system in a home will pay off.

The team at Sullivan Super Service in Pittsburgh PA can help book regular maintenance appointments to keep that HVAC unit healthy and functioning. Contact them to schedule a tune up.

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