Family Law Attorney in Middlesex County Talks About Retainers

by | Jan 11, 2024 | Law attorney

A family law attorney in Middlesex County helps clients with various problems, such as divorce, child custody, child support, property division, alimony, and marriage issues. You may have to sign a retainer agreement and pay an attorney’s retainer fee before the lawyer will start working for you, though. It’s important to know what it is and why you must pay it. The fee can change depending on your case and other factors.

What Is a Retainer?

A retainer is money you pay to cover the legal fees that your lawyer from a firm such as Shane and White, LLC, expects to get during the case. There is a set amount of money that secures the lawyer’s services and lets them keep working on your case without worrying that they might not get paid.

If a lawyer files an appearance in your case, they must keep defending you until the case is over or a judge tells them that they can quit. The money is put in a trust account and will be removed as your case progresses.

How Much Is a Retainer Fee?

Many things can change how much your lawyer may charge after a consultation. For example, you might have to pay a higher attorney retainer fee if your case is contentious or involves a lot of complicated problems, such as alimony disputes, property division, or child custody disputes. The lawyer’s years of experience and name can also change the retainer amount.

A family law attorney in Middlesex County with more experience usually charges more per hour and asks for a bigger down payment up front than a lawyer who hasn’t worked for as long. However, it’s important to hire an attorney who is suitable for your case; you shouldn’t hire someone based on how much the fee is.

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