Facts to Consider Before Hiring a Birth Injury Lawyer in Pittsburgh, PA

by | Jan 30, 2019 | Law Services

When a child is born to their parents, that day should be the most joyous of their lives. However, if an infant endures a severe injury during the birthing process, it can be one of the scariest moments in their life. This may be the time to consider hiring a birth injury lawyer in Pittsburgh, PA.

What Causes a Birth Injury?

A birth injury is not an injury which is classified as taking place while growing in the womb; it is an injury that takes place when the newborn is being removed from the womb. While these injuries can be linked to a variety of factors, the most common cause is malpractice by medical doctors. There are some special circumstances that require the doctor to act in a more cautious manner than is normally required. These could include such things as having a fetal head that is too large to safely exit the womb by traditional birthing methods, if the delivery has gone for an extended amount of time or if the birth is considered premature.

What Can Be Recovered in a Lawsuit?

While the actual damages able to be recovered in a medical malpractice lawsuit will vary by state, there are general guidelines that a birth injury lawyer in Pittsburgh, PA can provide. These damages can include such things as past medical expenses from injuries suffered before the trial happened but were a result of the birth injury or for future medical expenses that have yet to be billed but will be needed to help deal with the injury. There is also the obligatory pain and suffering generally filed for which, in a case such as this, could include the newborn and the parents.

Types of Injuries

The types of birth injuries a newborn can sustain can vary wildly. They can range from the simple bruising or scarring of improperly used forceps all the way up to the horrors of brain injury or facial paralysis. No matter what the type of injury is, it could always lead to something worse. It is in the best interest of the family of the newborn to contact an attorney as soon as possible for help in these stressful and trying times.

Schedule an appointment with an attorney today and learn how they can be of service. Time is of the essence in these types of situations so call today.

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