Factors That Impact the St. Augustine Grass Pallet Price in Houston, TX

by | Jul 18, 2019 | Landscaping

If you need to get grass for your lawn, you can’t go wrong with St. Augustine. It’s a warm season grass, which makes it perfect for the weather in Houston, and best of all, its incredible aesthetic appeal can really improve the landscape around your property. But, if you are interested in buying the St. Augustine grass, you will need to buy it in pallets.

The grass is sold at many landscaping stores throughout the city, and the prices usually vary. You need to understand that the St. Augustine grass pallet price in Houston, TX is affected by various factors. Here are some major factors that impact the St. Augustine Grass pallet price.

Length of the Grass

One of the factors that impact the St. Augustine grass pallet price is the length of the grass blade. In its actual form, the grass creates a sod that looks very much as if a carpet has been laid on the ground. However, you can buy a pallet with a higher length as well, but it’s obviously going to cost you more money. If you want to give your garden a bit of a tropical feel, you should go with a lengthier grass blade. On the other hand, if you want to keep it neat and clean, go with a smaller length.


How big of a pallet do you want? If you are interested in ordering the St. Augustine grass, you should visit us website. They have a variety of different types of grass pallets available to choose from, and their prices are quite affordable as well. You can talk to one of their sales representatives to find out the best option for you.

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