The US Department of Energy notes that people can save up to 30 percent on heating and cooling systems by properly sealing and insulating their windows. This is a top priority for most people. Another option could be to replace your windows to hold the drafts, but there are other cost effective ways to save energy without having to purchase replacement windows. Insulation St Louis is both efficient and cost effective to hold cold drafts.
One of the energy options to gain Energy View Windows and prevent air escaping is weather stripping. This method applies insulation to the windows through foam like substance with a sticky backside. One should first of all clean the surface to which the weather strip will be applied. This stripping material is then placed on the windowsills and around the outer edges. At this point, it is advisable to inspect the windows thoroughly, by checking panes, frames and outer edges. Any gap found between the window and frame at this point should be filled with caulk. Use a caulking gun to apply caulk sealant to the gap. Also, inspect the panes for any damage caused by worn caulking. Remove the old and damaged caulk and apply new caulk.
Another form of insulation, which is a temporary measure, is the use of bubble wrap. This is not an effective method, but it will provide protection against cold drafts. Take a piece of bubble wrap that is the exact size for your window, then spray some water on the inner surface of the window, then finally place the bubble wrap on that surface and press it firmly. This will seal the open space
Storm windows are another source of Insulation St Louis has. Most people ignore the fact of having storm windows. If you have not used them in a long time, they may become loose. Reuse of this type of window may not be useful to hold drafts, but they are cost effective and generally pay for themselves.
Cellular blinds are insulation treatments, which are composed of three cell layers, hence called honeycomb blinds. They come in various colors and designs to match your home interior decor. These blinds form an obstacle between the room and window by trapping air inside the cells.