Endodontics Can Save Severely Damaged Teeth

by | Aug 26, 2024 | Dental Care

Dental anxiety prevents a lot of men and women from going to the dentist regularly. They may have had a troubling experience as a child or simply heard horror stories from other people that made them afraid to allow a dental professional to treat their teeth. Unfortunately, avoiding the dentist usually results in oral health problems that require more extensive treatment. One of the most common procedures people with dental anxiety need is root canal therapy.

A dental provider who has special training in endodontics in Willmar, MN performs the procedure over a series of visits. The best practitioners can complete a root canal in as few as three sessions. It’s important for the patient to complete the treatment if they want to have a chance to save their tooth. Since endodontists understand many of their patients have dental anxiety, sedation is typically available for the procedure. This helps patients who are afraid of having a dentist work in their mouth relax or even sleep through the root canal.

In some cases, endodontics is not enough to save a damaged tooth. In these cases, an implant may be used to prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting or becoming loose because of the missing tooth. After the damaged tooth is extracted, the implant procedure can begin. It may take several visits to complete the implant and attach a crown to the post. After it is successfully placed, an implant will take the place of a natural tooth. With a crown on top, it will even be indistinguishable from the adjacent natural teeth.

Only an endodontist can tell a person whether root canal therapy is the best option for them. While it does help many people save their natural teeth, it can be quite expensive for anyone without a premium dental insurance plan. The best dental practices today offer to finance to help their patients pay for these kinds of procedures, so the cost doesn’t prevent them from getting the care they need. Learning about all the options available may ease some of the anxiety of those afraid to see the dentist.

If you need endodontics in Willmar, visit the Glacial Lakes Dental for more information.

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