Eating disorders are a complex problem that can affect people of any age or sex, though the most common group to experience these problems is teenage females. When you suspect someone in your life may be suffering from an eating disorder, it is important to seek help at eating disorder rehabas soon as possible. However, before you can seek help for the person you love, it is important to be able to identify which eating disorder you are dealing with.
Those who suffer from anorexia often feel as though they are too fat, no matter what size they really are. This poor body image can come from a variety of sources, particularly what the media portrays as the perfect body. When someone is suffering from anorexia, they will avoid eating as much as possible. You can determine if someone you love is suffering from this condition by paying close attention to eating habits whenever possible and watching for signs of poor nutrition, such as brittle nails or hair that falls out.
Another common disorder that requires eating disorder rehab is bulimia. Most of the people who suffer from this disorder also have a distorted body image, feeling as though they need to do what it takes to lose weight. These people will eat normally, but they will then force themselves to vomit up the food they have eaten to avoid absorbing the calories. This disorder can often be hidden better. However, frequent trips to the bathroom immediately after eating can be a red flag.
Binge Eating
Some people actually have problems eating too much food when they are depressed or suffering from other ailments. In these situations, it isn’t always body image that causes people to go on these binges. Instead, they may be looking for solace in the food they eat instead of through healthier methods. Some people will also make themselves sick with this type of eating.
Just about anyone can be affected by an eating disorder. However, it can sometimes be difficult to identify when someone is going through one of these problems. Understanding the different types of disorders that can benefit from eating disorder rehab will allow you to seek assistance when it is needed. Whether the person is suffering from anorexia, bulimia or binge eating, a rehab clinic can provide the services needed to remedy the disorder.