Considerations When Choosing Will-Call Propane Delivery Near Lebanon, IN

by | Feb 24, 2022 | General

For various reasons, some rural homeowners prefer to call when they need liquefied petroleum gas delivery for heat instead of signing a contract for keep-full service. The contract arrangement involves drivers bringing LPG, commonly called propane, when they are in the area and topping off the tank. Companies offering propane sales near Lebanon IN, want will-call customers to be aware of important considerations.

Not Running Out

One of the most important considerations is to never run out of propane. That means routinely looking at the tank gauge and not letting the fuel run too low. Generally, 30 percent is considered the lowest acceptable number. A representative from a company providing propane sales near Lebanon, IN, always asks what the gauge reading is.

Understanding the Risk

The main problem for some homeowners is a continuous financial struggle making paying for propane difficult. Letting the tank drop to 10 percent is theoretically acceptable, but the risk of running out is much higher. A 500-gallon tank has 50 gallons left at that point. A bitterly cold spell puts a great deal of demand on the system.

Tank Pressure Issues

The tank has a pressure gauge as well because a certain pressure level is required to keep the propane in a liquid state. Once the level drops below 10 percent, pressure issues may develop. The furnace might not work efficiently and could stop running altogether. In addition, the delivery company may have to charge an extra fee for special emergency service.

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