Consider After Hours for Your Janitorial Cleaning Services in Minneapolis

by | May 9, 2024 | Cleaning Service

Some businesses are uncomfortable hiring a janitorial service to come in at night because they can’t supervise the cleaning and the cleaner. However, these concerns can be easily rectified by choosing a reputable, licensed janitorial cleaning service in Minneapolis. Overnight cleaning also comes with several benefits.


Offices are breeding grounds for tough germs, so cleaners may need harsh chemicals to kill the stubborn germs that could make your employees sick. They’ll often wear protective gear when working with these chemicals, safeguarding them from breathing in or touching the harsh chemicals, but it isn’t feasible for everyone in the office to wear safety protection during their workdays. Having your business cleaned overnight allows the chemicals to dissipate so they won’t affect any sensitive employees in the morning.

Another safety concern is the floors. A wet floor sign won’t stop an employee from slipping when they need to cross the hall to attend a meeting. Using janitorial cleaning services in Minneapolis at night can eliminate this concern.


It can be challenging to clean around a bustling business. People are moving about, using the facilities, walking on floors, and using furniture. It’s difficult for cleaners to work around employees and vice versa. Janitorial cleaning in Minneapolis is best scheduled overnight because they can more efficiently complete cleaning without working around your business.

Less Distracting

Cleaning can be loud. Vacuum cleaners and floor polishers make a lot of noise, irritating and distracting employees trying to concentrate or speak on the phone. Janitors don’t need to worry about noise when they work at night and won’t be distracted by your busy employees either. They’ll have free reign of your building to complete the cleaning without working around employees.

Scheduling your janitorial services overnight is a win-win for the cleaner and your employees. It’s safer, less distracting, and won’t get in the way of your business.

If you’re looking for janitorial cleaning services in Minneapolis, check out EDM Cleaning Services for all your office cleaning needs.

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