Common Causes of Spinal Injuries Seen Today

by | Apr 14, 2020 | Pain Management

The spine is one of the most complex parts of the body and it is part of the most extensive and vital of all the body’s systems, the nervous system. The spine is where all the nerves from the body come together to form the spinal cord, which then connects directly into the brain. When something goes wrong or the spine is damaged or injured, this can affect the spinal cord and thus affect the entire body- sometimes is drastic and even life threatening ways. Here at Riverside Pain Physicians, we see many different types of spinal injuries, some of the most common including the following:

Sports Related– sports are fun to play but many contact sports like football can end up causing major spinal injuries. Even ‘safer’ sports like golf can hurt the back through repetitive moves, doing too much at one time, or not earing safety gear.

Work Related– the job you do day in and day out can also put you in a position where you are hurting your spine. Hunching over a computer, sitting at a piece of machinery, or lifting heavy loads all day every day can really hurt your back.

Accidents– accidents and other unforeseen incidents often cause serious bodily harm. Slip and fall accidents can often result in broken bones, car accidents can cause whiplash and more severe injuries, all which impact the spine.

Lifestyle– finally the choices you make each day can put you in danger of hurting yourself. If you drink or do drugs or abuse prescriptions you are at a much higher risk for accidents and if you don’t wear a seat belt your risk of injury is much higher.

So be smart with your spinal health and when you do need someone to take care of your back, come see us at our Jacksonville spine center!

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