Can Catholics be cremated?

by | Feb 21, 2023 | Cremation Service

As a Catholic, you may be considering cremation as an option for your final resting place. However, you may have heard that the Catholic Church frowns upon the practice.

Is that still true today?

It’s important to know that the Church’s stance on cremation has evolved over time. While it used to discourage the practice, it now permits it, as long as certain guidelines are followed. These guidelines include the respectful treatment of the cremated remains, such as burying them in a sacred place, and avoiding practices that suggest a denial of the resurrection of the body.

In short, while the Church once had reservations about cremation, it is now an acceptable option as long as it is carried out with reverence and in accordance with the Church’s teachings.

A valid choice

The Church changed its stance on cremation in 1963 and now permits it – as long as it aligns with Catholic beliefs. That means the remains must be treated with reverence and placed in a sacred location, like a cemetery or columbarium.

So why did the Church change its mind?

For centuries, the Church believed the body should be preserved intact for the resurrection. However, the Church now recognizes that cremation does not impede the resurrection and instead views it as a way to respectfully care for the deceased’s remains.

Keep in mind that the Catholic Church also recognizes that death (and mourning) practices vary among cultures. Therefore, the change in stance is a way for the Church to provide its parishioners with choices that more closely align with their specific beliefs and customs.

Guidelines for Catholic Cremation

Other guidelines should be followed, including:

  • The cremation cannot go against Catholic beliefs, such as expressing doubt in the resurrection of the dead.
  • The cremation process must show respect for the body and human dignity.
  • Remains must be stored in a container like an urn or interred in a cemetery or columbarium.

Selecting a Cremation Company in Hayward

While selecting a cremation company in Hayward, before you get too far into the process, make sure whoever you use for the service follows the Catholic Church’s guidelines for cremation. They should offer a sacred place for the interment of cremated remains, and they should also provide a range of urn options to celebrate your loved one.

For more information about Sorensen Chapel, visit them today.

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