Benefits of Using a Menstrual Cup Instead of Other Hygiene Products

by | Jul 12, 2021 | Business

If you’re a female, then you know that you’re going to experience a period at some point in your life. An option to consider if you don’t want to use pads or tampons is a menstrual cup.


When you use a pad or a tampon, you have to change it throughout the day. A period menstrual cup can usually last for a year as long as it’s kept clean. Some cups could last for as long as 10 years depending on the kind that you get. Since a cup tends to last longer, you’ll save money on feminine hygiene products.


A period menstrual cup usually doesn’t need to be changed for about 12 hours. This means that you don’t have to worry about rushing to the bathroom every few hours to change other items that you might use. A cup can hold about five times the liquid that a tampon or pad would hold, which is why you don’t need to change it as often. This is also beneficial if you have a heavier flow.


Sometimes, you might experience leaks with hygiene products. This can be embarrassing if you’re at a special event or around family and friends. A cup will form a suction that can prevent leaks from taking place, decreasing the embarrassing moments that you might have. This is a product that you might want to consider using if you’re going swimming and don’t want to worry about wearing a pad. It could also be an option if you get married or if you’re taking part in a similar event so that you don’t experience any leaks that could get on your clothes.

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