Benefits of a Predominant Use Study in Pennsylvania

by | Apr 26, 2022 | Insurance Agency

Did you know not all businesses need to pay the full sales tax found on their utility bills? Some states have programs available that offer tax exemption status for energy used to operate qualifying equipment in certain businesses. To take advantage of this savings, you will first need to complete a predominant use study in Pennsylvania. The following are some of the benefits of completing this study.

Energy Cost Savings

Many companies take advantage of a predominant use study in Pennsylvania to save money on their energy costs. Energy costs often make up a significant portion of a business’s overall operating costs. By reducing the amount of sales tax you have to pay on the energy you use, you will save money for your business every month and reduce your energy costs.

Improve Energy Management

A predominant use study in Pennsylvania takes a close look at your business’s energy uses. You can use this information to identify areas where you can improve energy efficiency and even further reduce your utility costs. For instance, you will get a clear picture of when your equipment operates at full capacity and when you may be able to turn certain equipment off to save the energy used in standby mode.

Get Required Documentation

Some businesses need the documentation provided by a predominant use study in Pennsylvania for specific purposes, particularly for getting the tax exemption on your utility bills. Your utility company will need to see the percentage of qualifying use to appropriately apply your exemption and reduce your costs. Some companies may require this process to be completed at regular intervals to update your documentation.

If you need a predominant use study in Pennsylvania, visit the Business Name. website to schedule an appointment.

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