Avoid Scams: Only Buy Imported Used Cars From An Authorized Dealership

by | Mar 12, 2024 | Car Dealership

If you go online, chances are you will run across ads posted by individuals for used imported vehicles. The car you want may be listed and it looks exactly like you hoped. Yet, you must be wary. The deal may not only be too good to be true, but the car may also not exist. This could be a scam one of many involving the sale of used cars online.

Used Cars and Scammers

Online marketplaces are the ideal venue for scammers. They work their schemes, trying to sell you whatever vehicle they list. Common actions run the gamut from mild lying to major fraud. They can scam you by:

  • Lying in the ad about the condition of the vehicle they are selling.
  • Rewinding the odometer.
  • “Washing” the title to conceal the history of the vehicle.
  • Falsifying and/or creating fake documents
  • Listing a car that does not exist and they do not own.

All are done to separate you from your money.

How to Avoid Scams

If you have your heart set on a specific used imported vehicle, avoid scammers by dealing directly with an authorized dealership. Used cars at a Philadelphia dealership are available as certified pre-owned. This decreases the risk inherent when purchasing a used vehicle. From the initial visit to the purchase, dealerships can provide you with what you need. This not only includes helping find financing but also ensures you avoid those scammers who will take your money and never deliver any car, let alone a working one. For more updates, visit Cherry Hill Imports Auto Group at https://www.cherryhillimportsautogroup.com/

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