A Few Basics You Should Know About the Lemon Law in Illinois

by | Feb 1, 2022 | Law Firms

If you have ever purchased a brand-new car and find that your vehicle is spending all of its time in the repair shop, Illinois Lemon Law might help you. For your vehicle to be a lemon, it has to have a nonconformity that impairs the use of the vehicle, safety of the vehicle, or its market value.

The vehicle must be unrepairable by the manufacturer or dealer. They have up to four attempts to try to fix the same repair. Additionally, if your vehicle spends 30 or more business days out of service or in the garage, it can be considered a lemon. It is good to discuss your case with an Illinois Lemon Law attorney as they can provide additional guidance.

Lemon Laws cover new vehicles. They do not cover used cars, motorcycles, boats, or modified vehicles. Additionally, Lemon Law cases must be brought within 12 months of purchasing the vehicle or within 12,000 miles. There are other stipulations that must be met, which can be explained by an Illinois Lemon Law attorney.

It is good to note that you cannot initiate Lemon Law claims directly through the dealer. Some people end up losing their claim because they think that by working with the dealer, they are following the Lemon Law requirements and only later learn that they are not.

Learn more about Lemon Laws in Illinois and see how Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® can help you by providing affordable legal representation by visiting their website.

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