Four Precautions to Take Before Getting a Custom Tattoo in Suffolk County NY

by | Sep 1, 2015 | Tattoo Shop

Getting a new tattoo can seem like an exciting experience, especially if it is going to be a custom creation that represents something meaningful. Tattoos should not be done at any time, however. Certain circumstances make it more difficult to have a proper tattoo experience. A Custom Tattoo Suffolk County NY parlors offer should only be completed after four precautions are taken.

Avoid Alcohol

The tattoo needle will pierce the skin, causing bleeding. If alcohol has been consumed recent to getting a tattoo done, it will cause even more bleeding than necessary. For this reason, it is recommended to not consume alcohol before having ink tattooed on the skin.

Get a Tetanus Shot

Tattooing the skin makes people susceptible to illness and disease, as well as skin infection. Being caught up on tetanus and other vital shots will help reduce the risk of either of these things happening. Those who are not up to date on shots should have them done in advance of getting their tattoo.

Determine Pain Threshold

Each person has a different pain threshold. While some can handle a great deal of pain, countless others are only able to manage a small amount of pain. Determining this threshold will help people realize which size tattoo is best, as well as which placement will be less painful. Those with a low pain threshold should not attempt to get overly large tattoos, or tattoos in places that exhibit more pain, like along the spine.

Find a Professional

One of the most important precautions to take is finding an actual professional. While non-licensed tattoo artists may offer cheap prices, they do not always follow the safety rules and regulations of tattooing. The best way to ensure the environment is sterile and the tattoo will be as safe as possible to get is to go to a professional in an actual tattoo shop.

A Custom Tattoo Sulffolk County NY shops offer will look incredibly unique and original. Before getting one, however, it is important to follow these precautions to be fully prepared for the tattoo process. Those who have taken these precautions and are now ready to have their tattoos completed can schedule an appointment Da Vinci Tattoo.

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