How to Find the Best Vet in Ft. Meade

by | Oct 3, 2013 | Animal Health

The value of a beloved pet is not something a non-animal lover is ever likely to understand. Animals offer their humans a quality of love that transcends almost all other relationships, and humans repay this incredible unconditional love by exercising their God-given stewardship over animals in such ways as to insure they have quality food to eat, appropriate housing, training, love, and good medical care. Normal medical care for a dog or cat would generally include such things as minimal vaccinations, spaying or neutering, heart worm preventative medications, parasite (flea, tick and worm) infestation preventives, and breed appropriate genetic screenings (eye CERF exams, OFA hip and elbow screenings, etc.) prior to breeding for any intact animals.

When a person takes responsibility for an animal, he is in essence agreeing to “parent” that animal for life. He must figure out ways to stimulate, protect, groom, train, engage, and otherwise provide for the animal’s needs. One of these implicit responsibilities is discovering the best possible Vet in Ft. Meade to care for his pet in those times when his pet needed either routine or emergency medical care.

Finding the best veterinary care for a pet is not always easy. Yellow page ads all look the same and ads online are not much better. What is the best way to find a good vet for your dog? Seek the advice and benefit from the experiences of your family and friends. Pay particular attention to the experiences and wisdom of those you know already hold similar values and sentiments towards animals as yours. Another option is to interview the various veterinarians that practice within your general geographical area. Prepare a list of questions regarding issues and aspects of animal medical care that are of particular importance to you. Take a notebook with you and take notes so that you can compare the answers of one veterinarian to that of another. Things to ask include questions regarding pricing structure, philosophy regarding animal care and questions regarding his particular practices as regard animal care.

When its all said and done, the best advice available says to trust your instincts. If you perceive that one particular veterinarian is a cut above all the rest, that is an instinct worth hearing and following.

In choosing the best you haven’t a thing to lose, and neither does your pet!

Gambrills Veterinary Center provides Ft. Meade and the surrounding areas with exceptional veterinary care. Visit website for more information.

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