People are often surprised when they find out that periodontal (gum) disease is linked to several serious health problems. People with diabetes can suffer immensely from gum infections due to their reduced capability to heal. Heart disease is affected negatively by poor oral health, and gum disease has also been linked to babies that weigh less than average at birth. This can all be prevented by dentistry in North Attleboro and a proper oral health care regimen at home that consists of brushing and flossing.
The reason that gum disease is such a problem is because it is an ongoing infection of the gums. This inflammation leads to the teeth become loose in the gums. The disease is caused by a bacterial by-product known as plaque. Plaque releases substances that are toxic to fibers in gum tissue, and this causes small pockets to form. The pockets increase the problem, because they are attractants for even more toxins to build-up. The pockets can grow and the bones below the gums will slowly dissolve. Receding gums lead to teeth falling out.
When a person makes a visit to the dentist for this condition, a plan will be put into place for treatment. The patient will receive a cleaning that is more thorough than a normal one. This involves the typical scaling of surface plaque on the teeth. But it also includes what is known as root planing. This will remove the plaque from below the gum line, and the roots of the teeth will be polished. This is an effective treatment for the first stage of the disease, which is called gingivitis. The patient must maintain good brushing and flossing habits. These patients should also visit the dentist for cleaning once every three months.
Gingivitis may be hard to detect at first, but there are symptoms that people should be aware of. Gums that appear to be swollen and red in color or that bleed during brushing are one such indicator. If the gums appear to be receding, a dentist should be consulted as soon as possible. The earlier that one receives treatment, the more likely his or her teeth will be saved.