How to Hire a Workers Compensation Lawyer in Green Bay WI

by | Jan 22, 2020 | Law Firms

When you have become injured at work, it can be a stressful time. There are several steps that you will need to follow to ensure that you receive the proper compensation in your case. By following these steps, your case will go much smoother.

The first step that you need to take when you have been injured at work is to inform your immediate supervisor. Depending on how severe your injuries are, an ambulance may need to be called. Regardless of how minor you feel your injuries might be, you need to be checked by a doctor as soon as possible.

In the event of an injury in the workplace, a drug test will be required. The drug test will be administered to you to ensure that drugs or alcohol were not to blame for the accident. Failure to take a drug test will result in you possibly being fired and in losing any claim that you have to compensation.

When you see your doctor, you will need to make sure that you inform him or her that you were injured at work. There are certain types of paperwork that your doctor will need to fill out and this information will be proof of your injuries. After seeing your own doctor, you will most likely be required to see a doctor that is hired by your employer.

After you have seen your doctor, your next step will be to find a workers compensation lawyer in Green Bay WI office. You will need to give your lawyer as much information as you can so that your lawyer can work with your case.

During your case, it is imperative that you follow all of the instruction that your workers compensation lawyer in Green Bay WI gives you. Do not speak with any insurance agents or sign any paperwork without getting clearance from your attorney.

A workers compensation case is never easy to go through, but by hiring an attorney, you can focus on healing from your injuries and getting back to your life.

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